The nurse is assessing a pp client and finds the client's uterus to be boggy. Consider a pencil-shaped protein with two epitopes, A primiparous client has been discharged from the hospital after delivering a 5 pound baby girl. An external cephalic version (ECV) to change the position of the fetus is generally performed when? What is your initial action? NUR 4130. Learn shadow health with free interactive flashcards. She asks for assistance from the home care nurse. You just received report on your patient Gloria Hernandez and her newborn infant 'Beatriz'. Some women will have permanent darker pigmentation of those areas __ fluids containing oxytocin, with no noticeable decrease in the bleeding, the nurse should expect the request of what medication? If you administered the ripening agents Cervidil and Prepidil, which of the following could you expect to be associated with the drug? Browse Study Resource | Subjects. The patient also stated they there were feeling dizzy and fatigued. o Episiotomies heal within 2 to 3 weeks 11/25/21, 11:15 PM Focused Exam: Postpartum. correct pronoun from the choices given in parentheses. SHADOW HEALTH Focused Exam, Long Bone Fracture: Patient: L. - $25.45 Add to Cart. include: oxytocin (4 hours prior), methylergonovine (4 hours prior Key factors in the nursing assessment in the client with a PP infection include? A yellow-colored crust may develop as part of the healing process. pain scale. The HCP has performed an amniotomy on a client in labor. 1. empathy anxiety.pdf. You just received report on your patient Gloria Hernandez and, her newborn infant Beatriz. o 50-80% of women experience some form of transient blues For each of the following sentences, write the The hospital provides a complimentary visit from the home care nurse for a follow up. What should the nurse include in the plan of care for a client with PP depression ? Spontaneous bowel evacuation may not occur for 2 to 3 days after childbirth, May increase to 38 C X 24 hrs Readjustments in maternal vasculature after childbirth dramatic and rapid What should the mother be taught to prevent cracked nipples while she is feeding? Preview / Show more . "my baby will be turned in a head down position". : an American History (Eric Foner), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud). Molding b. Vernix Caseosa c. Acrocyanosis d. Sternal, Denise is a 45-year-old female who presents with significant lower abdominal pain. Most new mothers are very hungry after recovery from analgesia, anesthesia, and fatigue Gather the. Document the amniotic fluid's characteristics. o 12,000 All rights reserved | Email: [emailprotected], Focused exam postpartum care shadow health, Ethical challenges in healthcare examples, California health and wellness authorization, Rochester general hospital employee health, Pet essential healthymouth water additive, Types of conflict in healthcare environment. Patient was oriented x4. o Loss in plasma volume = "stable" or high H&H Assess for peripheral edema A BF mother is visited by the home care nurse 2 weeks after delivery. Mom is 37 weeks gestation and her fetus is in a breech presentation. What will you assess to determine uterine involution in maria? Asked about Visit URL See Also: Shadow health postpartum care sbar Show details Observation of family interaction View o 300 mcg IM X 1 dose a. n = 3, l = 2 You receive the following info: v/s are stable, breastfeeding well, has positive bowel sounds, tolerated clear liquids well, and ambulated twice today. You receive the following info: v/s are stable, breastfeeding well, has positive bowel sounds, tolerated clear liquids well, and ambulated twice today. What are assessed during a newborn home visit? o Postpartal diuresis Hematocrit and hemoglobin Unformatted text preview: Status Student Response Model Answer Explanation exhibits exhibits The correct status for diagnosis is "exhibits" has shown clear signs volume, rather than a develop the condition. During handoff, the night nurse indicates that both mom and baby did well over night, feeding was going well, however the last feed wasn't as successful as previous feeds. A new mother asks the nurse about starting PP exercises. The HCP is going to strip the client's amniotic membrane. After discharge, how soon should the pp client schedule a follow up visit with her provider? o Mother's need for rubella vaccination or for Rho (D) immune globulin for prevention of Rh isoimmunization is determined A PP client recovering from a DVT is being discharged. What criteria must be met to consider forceps? - Denies discharge odor. Role transition The other sections should be uploaded separately-documentation, subjec PTCntrdCare:Chldbearing family (NURS 438), Shadow Health Non-Reassuring Fetal Status Subjective Data, Shadow Health Postpartum Care Objective Data, Shadow Health Postpartum Care Subjective Data, Shadow Health Non-Reassuring Fetal Status Intervention Activity, Shadow Health Non-Reassuring Fetal Status Care Plan, Shadow Health Non-Reassuring Fetal Status Objective Data, Shadow Health Preeclampsia Subjective Data, Shadow Health Preeclampsia Objective Data, Shadow Health Uncomplicated Delivery Daanis Lafontaine Care Plan, Shadow Health Uncomplicated Delivery Daanis Lafontaine Birth Plan, Shadow Healt Gestational Diabetes Documentation, Advanced Care of the Adult/Older Adult (N566), Advanced Design Studio in Lighting (THET659), Critical Thinking In Everyday Life (HUM 115), Managing Organizations and Leading People (C200 Task 1), Organizational Behavior and Leadership (C484), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), How Do Bacteria Become Resistant Answer Key, Assignment Unit 8 - Selection of my best coursework, Copy Of Magnetism Notes For Physics Academy Lab of Magnetism For 11th Grade, Chapter 1 - Summary International Business, Ethan Haas - Podcasts and Oral Histories Homework, Lesson 10 Earthquake Hazards, Magnitude, and Intensity, Summary Give Me Liberty! Mom is 36 y/o who has opted for an epidural. NURS 2021. Etiology :Normally the uterus continues to contract after the delivery of the baby and expulsion . The nurse assesses the abdominal incision of a PP client who delivered by c section for? The nurse is preparing the client for an external version. Luna Subjective Data.docx. Bacteria from mom's hands, a break in the nipple or areola, failure to empty breasts completely. You anticipate what order? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. One of the most prolific writers of England's Victorian Period (most of the nineteenth century) was Charles Dickens. She had also not been breastfeeding, as she was having difficulty getting her child to latch. Adequate amniotic fluid, singleton gestation, gestational age of 36-37 weeks. One hour after the uncomplicated delivery of her daughter, Beatriz, Ms. The nurse should be aware that cytotec will produce what change for this client? Gloria mentioned that the baby was not really settling and fussier than she remembered with her first baby. A number of eosinophils increases in a Parasitic infections b Alergiae c, 3 4 5 200 500 600 C K G P J M Introduction to Economics Evolution of Commerce 29, Connections Mock Interview Instructions - Assignment (2).docx, 2021 Consolidation of vertical group structures (1).doc, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 10.56.39 AM.png, The use of a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas is known as othe, In a reaction at equilibrium that makes more moles of gas that it consumes what, 14 What three parables on material possessions does only Luke record 15 True or. Sara is 34 yo client who delivered a 10 lb 8 oz female infant with a vacuum assistance at 3 AM this morning. Shadow Health - Gloria Hernandez - Postpartum Care 5.0 (4 reviews) Patient Status Click the card to flip Asked about patient's status - Reports feeling much better Asked about patient's needs - Reports wanting to rest - Reports desire for fresh heat pad Asked about last nurse's check - Reports last check was 1 hour ago Click the card to flip Which of these statements best demonstrates her understanding of her options? She finds frequent hiccups, loose watery stool in diaper, red rash on face, and dry peeling skin. o All Rh negative women should have received one dose at 28 weeks gestation, Discuss contraceptive options A student nurse is shadowing a home health care nurse who is making PP visits. A client is going to have a cephalic version at 38 weeks gestation for a breech position. -oxytocin dosage was increased from 90ml/hr to 125ml/hr and acetaminophen (1 hour prior). The client asks the nurse what this will do. When performing a home visit, you discuss the care of the circumcision site with his parents. "Blue" Reviewing infant history, making a previsit phone call, notifying the family if running late, reviewing maternal history. During her pregnancy, Ms. Hernandez gained 40 pounds. It started a few days ago and has just gotten steadily worse. Which of following the should the nurse suggest to the client? Authorized translation from the English language ed, Publishers Inc. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the a, View At 0900 hours, Ms. Hernandez gave birth to a healthy baby girl, via uncomplicated vaginal delivery. Assessment PP depression should begin prenatally. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. her new born is rh positive. The nurse talks about therapeutic relationships. After being treated with IV Benzodiazepines and. Heart sounds had Lisez la phrase et indiquez si elle est logique (L) ou illogique (I). H o w many moles of caffeine are in a cup? Patchy areas on skin from extra estrogen Which safety device is most appropriate for the nurse making home visits? Nova Southeastern University. At a home visit, the nurse assesses a neonate delivered vaginally at 42 weeks gestation 6 weeks ago. She has been pushing for over 4 hours. EXAMPLE: One of the most prolific writers of England's Victorian Period most of the nineteenth century was Charles Dickens. At my last Which client should the nurse schedule to be seen immediately? Rewrite each of the following sentences, adding or replacing dashes, parentheses, and brackets as needed. Kegel exercises encourage healing, o During first 2 weeks abdominal wall remains relaxed Select all that apply. Before a woman undergoes a c section birth, you are responsible for which of the following (what is the most important)? Gloria Hernandez is a 28-year-old Mexican American woman wh Vital signs were normal. and left ankles and feet, symmetric bilaterally. Patient Examination: Review the orders and patient data in the EHR Perform nursing interventions as needed, in response to a changing situation Interview and examine Ms. Hernandez to gather subjective and objective patient data Gather a history of the current pregnancy and full health history Use the Question tab in the Communication Weight, reflexes, vital signs, nutritional status. Grant MacEwan University. Postpartum Care SBAR 6.5.2020.docx. When Speaking with Digital Standardized Patients: Interview and examine Gloria Hernandez to gather subjective and objective patient data, _ Collect data to assess Ms. Hernandez's condition, _ Educate and empathize to engage in effective therapeutic communication, Document data accurately, using professional terminology, Continue the patient's care through an SBAR handoff or a Care Plan, depending on what your, Write reflections using the prompts provided, Perform a focused examination of and provide care for an adult postpartum woman. A student nurse is shadowing a home health nurse for the day. She has made no signs of progress for more than 2 hours. They are recognized NUR 4130. You inquire and ask how Beatriz has been doing in the last few hours. Mrs. Hernandez was admitted to the hospital in active labor. During your PP assessment, you note that her heart rate is 136 bpm and her blood pressure is 94/50. A client who delivered by c section is having difficultly holding her infant comfortably in order to breastfeed. - Asked about review of integumentary system, Wong's 10th Ed: Chapter 29: The Child with Mu, Shadow Health - Naomi Adebayo - Preeclampsia, Shadow Health - Jennifer Wu - Gestational Dia, Shadow Health - Gloria Hernandez - Postpartum, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Nova Southeastern University NUR 4130. shadow health preeclampsia.docx. Which of the following conditions would indicate that induction of labor is needed? Your assessment of Gabriel has determined he is currently experiencing a moderate asthma exacerbation. o Abundance of fine hair during pregnancy usually disappears after birth Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The HCP of a client 40 weeks gestation has ordered cytotec for labor induction. Heart sounds had, regular rate and rhythm, with S1 and S2 audible and no extra sou, Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/13155798/lab_pass.p, Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) med system. Company Registration Number: 61965243 - Denies abnormal bleeding. One hour after the uncomplicated delivery of her daughter, Beatriz, Ms. Hernandez had a postpartum hemorrhage resolved through fundal massage, oxytocin increase, and oxygen administration. Monitoring the woman's response to anesthesia, monitoring maternal vital signs, assessing fundal height and firmness, At or on the perineum and visible at the vaginal opening. At 1000 hours, Ms. Hernandez reported feeling tired and that she could not remember feeling her uterus contract after the birth. Simulations. Sharon is a 36 yo client who is 4 days post normal vaginal delivery of a healthy 8 lb 4 oz female infant. A third attempt at vacuum (try vacuum three times, if failed all three then c section). Most women are rubella immune These symptoms are suggestive of an inflammatory or infectious process and need immediate attention; the nurse should notify her health care provider. Flex the knees while supine, then inhale deeply and exhale while contracting the abdominal muscles. Which signs of thrombophlebitis must the nurse educate the client to assess? The "mask of pregnancy" present. Choose from 1,122 different sets of shadow health flashcards on Quizlet. Stripping the membranes releases prostaglandins that may help labor begin. could trigger endocytosis by a macrophage. What is an appropriate nursing action? o Bowel evacuation Nova Southeastern University. University of Texas, El Paso. She is undergoing an external cephalic version and is in extreme pain. o Joy & well being According to the special theory of relativity, a particle moving in a central field with potential energy V(r) describes the same orbit that a particle with a potential energy V(r)[EV(r)]22m0c2V(r)-\frac{[E-V(r)]^{2}}{2 m_{0} c^{2}}V(r)2m0c2[EV(r)]2 would describe according to nonrelativistic mechanics. You recognize an important component of your assessment at this time is to do what? Which strategy would the nurse suggest to promote bonding b/w the postpartum c/s client and her newborn? Shadow Health's extensive suite of healthcare simulation products for nursing and allied health care fields provide an effective and scalable path to experiential and patient-centered learning. Subjective Data Collection 31 out of The client about to have a forceps delivery asks about what complications can occur. Nightingale College Health 346. The nurse is receiving shift report on several postpartum clients. Focused Exam_ Postpartum Care _ Completed _ Shadow Health - Patient-Gloria Hernandez - Care Plan - N Preview 2 out of 6 pages Report Copyright Violation $11.49 Add to cart Add to wishlist Follow greaterhights 298 documents sold Reviews received 24 5 6 3 5 Uploaded on August 2, 2022 Number of pages 6 Written in 2022/2023 Type Exam (elaborations) Terms of Use o Ease of "stuffy nose" Coarse or bristly hair that appears during pregnancy usually remains, o No significant changes in maternal immune system occur during postpartum period For which of the following findings should the nurse intervene? What is the safest position for infant sleeping? A client at 37 weeks gestation is discharged after a successful external cephalic version. Give the notation (using letter designations for lll) for the Food with a low sodium content Food with a high zinc content Six to eight glasses of water per day Food with a low fiber content Four to five cups of coffee per day, Which is a . If engorged, needs to feed more frequently) Feelings of Guilt during a time they believe they should be happy/delays recognition Terms and Conditions (elsevier/legal/elsevier-website-terms-and-conditions)Privacy Policy (elsevier/legal/privacy-policy) How many mls of fluid should a PP client drink a day to stay well hydrated? Massaging the fundus until firm, administration of uterine stimulants (oxytocin/methergine), monitoring for signs of hypovolemia, administration of blood products if necessary. Before putting the new diaper on, the mother begins to apply baby powder to the infant's buttocks. o Postpartum headaches may be caused by gestational hypertension, stress, and leakage of cerebrospinal fluid into extradural space during placement of needle for epidural or spinal anesthesia, o Reversal of pregnancy adaptations During her pregnancy, Ms. Hernandez gained 40 pounds. Tina Jones Heent Interview Completed Shadow Health 1 Physio Ex Exercise 1 Activity 3 Respiratory Completed Shadow Health Tina Jones LAS 5 FUNCIONES DEL ESTADO ECUATORIANO Summary Give Me Liberty! The mother has a temp of 100.9 what condition in a PP mother may cause a fever not caused by infection? Endometritis (foul smelling lochia is a key finding). regular rate and rhythm, with S1 and S2 audible and no extra sou To _____ where you just spanking? Evaluation of the client with PP depression includes what? What should the nurse be most concerned about? Do fundal exam: if fundus is higher or deviated may need to void, o Appetite The nurse is caring for a client who had a classical uterine incision for her c section. Good handwashing What areas are assessed during a PP home visit? Patient had no visible abnormalities. S/S of illness, follow up instructions, newborn care, maternal self care. Which topics will be included? Ms. Hernandez reporte Which would the nurse ,, Health (6 days ago) WebHealth 346 GLoria Hernandez Postpartum CP.pdf - 10/22/21 8:33 AM Shadow Health 346 Maternity Your Results Turn In /assignm Lab Pass /assignment ,, Health (2 days ago) WebShadow Health Gloria Hernandez Reflection Journal.docx. What areas of teaching on self care and anticipatory guidance should the nurse discuss with the client? She tried breast feeding an hour before, but the baby just didnt want to latch. Which of the following would the nurse suspect? What would be the best response by the nurse? May receive Depo at discharge The doctor has attempted a vacuum extraction twice, but the suction cup has popped off twice. Previous excess blood volume of pregnancy protects mothers from post-delivery shock (6 days ago) Gloria Hernandez is a 28-year-old Mexican-American postpartum patient who gave birth to a baby girl. Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461) Professional Capstone Project (PSY-495) Theology (104) Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904) Pharmacology (RNSG 1301) Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100) Microeconomics (C718) Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307) Entrepreneurship 1 (Bus 3303) Applying warm compresses to breasts prior to nursing. Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript. Chamberlain College of Nursing-Georgia. c. n = 4, l = 1 The nurse determines that the client has understanding of the procedure when the client makes which of the following statements? Vacuum three times, if failed all three then c section is having difficultly holding her infant comfortably order. H o w many moles of caffeine are in a breech presentation a in! Fever not caused by infection primiparous client has been doing in the nipple areola... 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